Category «Virtualization»

Nepal Cloud Professionals Launch Azure DevOps Community in Kathmandu!

Nepal Cloud Professionals- Nepal Cloud Pro together with WinServer Community– local Technical User Group, organized Azure DevOps Community Launch in Feb 09, 2019, Saturday. A mix of nearly 50 Professional developers, DevOps Engineers, Students developers and IT professionals participated in the half day event where the focus was

Preparing for 74-409 Exam: Server Virtualization with Hyper-V and System Center

Here I passed yet another Microsoft Certification exam on 74-409: Server Virtualization with Hyper-V and System Center. Candidates for this exam are IT professionals who are responsible for designing, implementing, managing, and maintaining a virtualization infrastructure and/or who are interested in validating their skills on current Microsoft virtualization technologies. Passing the exam means you are …

Installing Hyper-V Server 2012 R2

This blogs walks you thru the installation process of standalone edition of Microsoft’s server virtualization platform, i.e. Hyper-V Server 2012 R2Hyper-V Server 2012 R2. Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2012 R2 is a hypervisor-based server virtualization product that enables you to consolidate workloads, helping your organization improve server utilization and reduce costs.Below are the quick and easy …

Client Hyper-V in Windows 8

Client Hyper-V is the same virtualization technology previously available in Windows Server operating system. Unlike in earlier client operating systems, the technology is now built into Windows 8. Hyper- V is currently selling like a hot cake across the world and it’s nothing like rocket science to understand and configure Client Hyper-V too. IT Pros …

Virtual PC: An overview

Microsoft Virtual PC is a product that enables us to run several operating systems inside our existing one, each one of them acting as a real PC. This is very useful when we have a problem of system incompatibility. A virtual PC can share its network with the host operating system, making it possible to …

Virtual PC made FCS Security Boot camp possible

Recently, I attended a bootcamp on Microsoft Forefront Client Server(FCS) Security organized by Microsoft at Brainworks Learning Center in Khichapokhari, Kathmandu. The three day long training was absolutely hands-on with very little to do with the theoretical knowledge underlying within. FCS Security demands a huge network( Min. 250 computers interconnected under a domain) of clients …