Dev/Tech Day in Kathmandu unites IT Pros & Developers!

This year, on Sept 20, 2014 Microsoft Innovation Center Nepal together with WinServer Community and AspNet Community organized Dev/Tech Day 2014, a full day event in Kathmandu. 100+ IT Pros & Developers from various technical background joined the event. Dev/Tech is Nepal’s premier technology conference for IT Professionals, Developers & Technology Enthusiasts and provides opportunities to learn, connect and explore.

Like in the past year, MVPs in India were invited to be guest speakers for the event. Among them were Abhishek Sur, Kunal Chaudhury, Tadit Kumar Das & Nirmal Chandra Hota. Dev/Tech day was primarily planned for two different sessions. The morning session began at 10 am with all participants, both Developers & IT Professionals sitting in one hall for keynotes & panel discussion with distinguished guests. Nairisha Shrestha, MC for the event welcomed all the guest speakers and participants to the event.


At the event, Abhishek Sur delivered a session on ‘Hidden Secrets of C# Language Gems’ in the Developer track. He also delivered a session on Microsoft Azure, IaaS in the IT Professional track.


Mr. Abhishek is a veteran .NET developer who worked in every sphere of .NET. He is the Product Head of APPSeConnect, a product of InSync Tech-fin solution, A Microsoft MVP since 2011. An author of multiple books on .NET, A Community UG Lead of Kolkata, A frequent speaker, A technology buff, A passionate blogger and many more.image

While, Kunal Chowdhury talked about ‘Windows Phone 8.1 App with Cortana Support’. Mr Kunal is a Microsoft MVP (Client Development) since 2010, a Telerik MVP, Microsoft India Rockstar and Nokia Developer Champion. As a Software professional and a passionate blogger, he posts his findings and tutorials in his technical blog:


Similarly, Tadit Dash had his awesome presentation on ‘Introduction to C# vNext’. Mr Tadit is a Software Engineer at Mindfire Solutions, India. He is the first Microsoft MVP from Odisha. The Code Project also awarded him with MVP title this year. He blogs at and traps Coding Bugs for fellow Programmers at Code Project (


And also, Nirmal Chandra Hota, who is a Microsoft Certified Software Engineer and Dynamics CRM Consultant with 8+ years of experience. He is also a Titanium Certified Developer and works currently at Mindfire Solutions as a technical project lead in the area of cross platform mobile technologies.

Besides, international speakers, we had bunch of highly proficient local speakers as well. In the IT Pro track were Sandip Dhakal, Sandip Pudasaini and Ujjwal Dharewa.


In the beginning of the breakout sessions, Pradeep Kandel, lead of WinServer Community, got up to the dash next and gave an introductory presentation on what WinServer Community is, and also informed that technical communities are to share knowledge and gain knowledge . He also informed that the WinServer Community organizes monthly roundups for face to face meeting to share knowledge about various infrastructure technology topics such as Windows Server, SQL Server and other such IT pro topics.


Then, it was Alok Pandey, lead of ASPNET Community, who came onto the stage and introduced the ASPNET community and its objectives. He informed that AspNet Community started organizing face-to-face meeting since 2011 and has been conducting workshops and similar meetups in promoting to develop software in Windows platform. He thanked BrainDigit, Microsoft Innovation Center Nepal, Pluralsight and O’reilly for helping and supporting the community in every possible ways.


At the end of the sessions, ASPNET community felicitated the various speakers with certificates.

In the next hall, where IT Pro presentations and discussions were held, Pradeep Kandel, WinServer Community Lead, kick started the sessions after lunch. Mr. Pradeep called up Suprasiddha Tamrakar, Technical Specialist from MIC Nepal on to the stage who delivered his demo packed presentations of Windows 8.1, its features, abilities and performance upgrades.


At the end of the sessions, WinServer community felicitated the various speakers token of appreciations. The program ended at 1730 Hours, local time, as scheduled.10710592_657011477729851_5238366439357674469_n (1)

Special thanks to Microsoft Innovation Center Nepal, WinServer Community and AspNet Community for managing and making the event successful. Also, thanks to Biplab Paul, Gouri Sohoni and other key resource persons without whom this event would not have been possible.



Public Cloud Consultant | Microsoft MVP | Solutions Specialist (Azure) | Azure Certified | Microsoft Certified Trainer A decade more experience working across various Microsoft products, programs, projects & technologies. Experience leading CoE (Centers of Excellence) for Azure, Microsoft 365, Dynamics 365 & Power Platform among others. Enabler in customer's hybrid cloud, cloud assessment, migration and modernization journey.

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