Global Azure Bootcamp 2019 in Kathmandu held!

On April 27, 2019, all communities came together once again in the sixth great Global Azure Bootcamp event! Like in the past years, this year Nepal Cloud Professionals organized Global Azure Bootcamp 2019 in Kathmandu.
Each year hundreds of organizers around the globe arrange Azure user group events on the same day. This year we did again doing a one- day deep dive, hands on lab for total of nearly 55 professionals from various organizations in Kathmandu. The bootcamp kick started at 11:00 AM sharp. The event began with the distribution of Azure passes to all the participants allowing them to leverage 80$ worth of Azure Credits to test Azure Services. Deploying Applications in Azure The first session of the event was delivered by Microsoft MVP Pradeep Kandel talking about deploying the applications on azure platform. In this session, there were talks about Azure, regions and data centres on how things work with Azure. Mr. Pradeep also described how Azure was helping the organizations all over the world with its many services and being the platform of platforms. Following the introductory presentation, Mr. Pradeep delivered a hands-on session giving participants the insights of Azure Dashboard, creating a virtual machine, and other resources. All the terminologies were discussed and described very efficiently. Firstly, IaaS deployment was done where the participants created a VM running Windows Server 2019 on South East Asia region with standard B1 access. The participants were then instructed about the things to take care while creating a VM and accessing it remotely. Moving on, PaaS deployment was explained to the participants. Mr. Pradeep demonstrated App Service deployment by creating a simple WordPress app using an existing resource group along with using Azure DB for MySQL. These sessions gave the audience a general picture of Microsoft Azure and how deployment works in Azure. Azure Backup and Azure Site Recovery Moving on with the event, it was the turn of Mr. Madan Shah to provide the participants details on disaster management in Azure. Madan Shah is Cloud Technical Specialist. Firstly, he gave a presentation on Azure Site Recovery regarding all the replication of machines from on premise, data centers or co-locations to Azure cloud. He also explained on how Microsoft Azure Site recovery is a cost-effective way to replicate data form one facility to another using the Azure Cloud as the medium.After all the explanations, he held a hands-on session to demonstrate the key procedures to the participants. To begin with, recovery service vault setup was provisioned. After that, on premise configuration (IS server configuration) was done followed by the registration of the on-premise server to Azure. Next, protection setup was completed followed by on-premise to Azure replication. Lastly, there were two Failover drills done which were test failover(drill) and actual failover. This hour-long session gave the audience a clear insight of Azure Site Recovery. After this session, refreshments were served to all the attendees.  Creating CI/CD Pipeline in Azure DevOps After the refreshments, the session on creating CI/CD pipeline in Azure DevOps began which was given in collaboration by Mr. Chandan Gupta Bhagat and Mr. Sandesh Karki. Mr. Chandan is an Engineering manager and Mr. Sandesh is a Software Developer. The session began with both the speakers giving an insight about Azure basics and gradually taking the topic to CI/CD pipelines. All the basic details regarding the CI/CD pipelines and how it helps to automate steps like initiating code builds, running automated tests, and deploying to a staging or production environment in software delivery process. Continuous Integration (CI) is a practice in software development in which all developers merge code changes in a central repository multiple times a day. Continuous Delivery (CD) lies on top of CI adding the practice of automating the entire software release process. After giving all these details regarding CI/CD pipeline, a small demonstration began. Firstly, an Azure DevOps account was created by all the participants followed by creating a simple dot Net Core WebApp. Next, a web app was also created on Azure. After that, the code of the dotnet core web app was pushed to Azure Repo which lies on Azure DevOps. After all these, a CI pipeline was created, and a CD pipeline was created. This session helped the participants know more about CI and CD pipelines and how they can be created and implemented on Azure DevOps. Deploying AKS (Azure Kubernetes Service) As a continuation to the previous session, Mr. Chandan began a new session on Azure Kubernetes Services. He started it with explaining about how containers work and relating it to Kubernetes. Azure Kubernetes Service makes it simple to deploy a managed Kubernetes Cluster in Azure. AKS helps to reduce the complexity of managing Kubernetes by offloading that responsibility to Azure. The speaker also explained how Azure handles all the critical tasks like health monitoring and maintenance. After giving all the details above, he then began a short demonstration starting with creating a microservice. After creation, it was containerized and added to Docker Hub. Next step was to deploy it on Kubernetes. Due to time limitations, this session couldn’t go to heavier details however ended with a promise of diving deeper in coming days. Microsoft Cognitive Service After all the demonstrations and hands-on sessions, it was time for Mr. Nishan Aryal, a Microsoft MVP to give an energizing talk on AI, and Microsoft Cognitive Services. He started his session with a short intro to Microsoft Cognitive Services and how we can leverage it on our solutions for better functionality. He demonstrated a basic app where he used the Face detection cognitive service. The app could detect a face from any given photograph. He later discussed about other cognitive services like speech, Knowledge, Language, Search and Anomaly Detection and how these services can help in our applications. There were lot of enthusiastic participants asking questions on how to better use these services in their application which Mr. Nishan answered with all the necessary details. With these discussions, this session came to an end making the way for the final session. Building blazing fast planet scale apps with CosmosDB This was the final session of the Bootcamp which was being given by Mr. Rohit Shrestha, who is a software engineer at a reputed software company in Kathmandu. He began his session with what Cosmos DB is and how it helps to elastically and independently scale throughput and storage across the Azure regions worldwide. Azure Cosmos DB gives a multi-model database service for building planet-scale apps. The speaker also discussed about how azure cosmos DB with replicate the data and make it highly available. Azure Cosmos DB automatically indexes all the data helping perform blazing fast queries. In addition to Azure cosmos DB, Mr. Rohit also shared some information related to Global Azure Science Lab. With all these, the final session ended concluding the full day bootcamp. With all these wonderful and informative sessions, the program finally concluded. The participants could learn a lot about Azure and the lot of things that can be done with Azure. All the positive and constructive feedbacks from the participants made the program a grand success. All thanks to the combined efforts from the Organizing team from Nepal Cloud Professionals, all the Speakers who gave their time and effort for all the brilliant content, Mr. Pradeep Kandel who managed the entire happenings of the event, Softwarica College administration who provided the venue and refreshments, the volunteers from Softwarica College who helped with the logistics management, technical and non-technical support, MSP Sambhav Bhurtel who helped documenting the event and assisting the participants with their various queries during hands-on sessions and finally all the participants who listened and learned from all the sessions with high level of enthusiasm. The event was finally concluded with a group picture and distribution of Azure Friday and GABC 2019 stickers to all the attendees of the event. The event was officially concluded at 5:00 PM.

Public Cloud Consultant | Microsoft MVP | Solutions Specialist (Azure) | Azure Certified | Microsoft Certified Trainer A decade more experience working across various Microsoft products, programs, projects & technologies. Experience leading CoE (Centers of Excellence) for Azure, Microsoft 365, Dynamics 365 & Power Platform among others. Enabler in customer's hybrid cloud, cloud assessment, migration and modernization journey.

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