Category «Azure»

Nepal Cloud Professionals Launch Azure DevOps Community in Kathmandu!

Nepal Cloud Professionals- Nepal Cloud Pro together with WinServer Community– local Technical User Group, organized Azure DevOps Community Launch in Feb 09, 2019, Saturday. A mix of nearly 50 Professional developers, DevOps Engineers, Students developers and IT professionals participated in the half day event where the focus was

Azure Latency Test with

There’s a cool speed test tool for Azure at which allows you to test network latencies and speed to Azure data centers from different countries and locations.  Along with finding the closest Datacenter near your location, it tests the storage latency to Azure as well as upload and download speeds.  This is a third …

Step-By-Step: Creating a Virtual Machine in Azure

Azure Virtual Machines gives you the flexibility of virtualization for a wide range of computing solutions—development and testing, running applications, and extending your datacenter. It’s the freedom of open-source software configured the way you need it. It’s as if it was another rack in your datacenter, giving you the power to deploy an application in …

Dev/Tech Day in Kathmandu unites IT Pros & Developers!

This year, on Sept 20, 2014 Microsoft Innovation Center Nepal together with WinServer Community and AspNet Community organized Dev/Tech Day 2014, a full day event in Kathmandu. 100+ IT Pros & Developers from various technical background joined the event. Dev/Tech is Nepal’s premier technology conference for IT Professionals, Developers & Technology Enthusiasts and provides opportunities …

GWAB Kathmandu in March 29, 2014!

WinServer Community is running this camp in Kathmandu aimed at the IT Pros. The Boot Camp concentrates on the Infrastructure-as-a-Service features; Virtual Machines and Virtual Networks.  GWAB Kathmandu will cover: The Windows Azure Platform Windows Azure Virtual Machines Windows Azure Virtual Networks Active Directory in Windows Azure

Global Windows Azure Bootcamp in Nepal

Glad that Global Windows Azure Bootcamp (GWAB) was successfully held in 5 cities in Nepal. These cities include: Kathmandu, Biratnagar, Birgunj, Chitwan and Lumbini. Thanks to Microsoft Innovation Center Nepal who managed the resource persons for the GWAB ! Also, all thanks to local partners in the various cities who hosted the events with some …