Nepal Cloud Professionals Launch Azure DevOps Community in Kathmandu!

Nepal Cloud Professionals- Nepal Cloud Pro together with WinServer Community– local Technical User Group, organized Azure DevOps Community Launch in Feb 09, 2019, Saturday. A mix of nearly 50 Professional developers, DevOps Engineers, Students developers and IT professionals participated in the half day event where the focus was about delivering the key messages around Azure DevOps and associated services and practices and how the suite of solutions can improve Software Development quality and speed with end-to-end solution for organizations looking for an enterprise-grade toolchain.

The Program was initiated by Pradeep Kandel to a wide audience with some of the most respected guests and speakers from different software companies.

Pradeep is a Microsoft MVP, Consultant, Trainer, User Group Speaker focusing mostly on cloud-computing & Server infrastructure. He talked about Azure & Azure DevOps and delivered key message about the context. Similarly, he made a connection with another speaker from Sri Lanka, Chaminda Chandrasekara, Microsoft (MVP) for Visual Studio ALM and Scrum Alliance Certified ScrumMaster, who presented about the GitHub, Azure Boards & Azure Pipelines for about 45 minutes at the event sharing a screen all the way from Sri Lanka.

Following the session, the stage was handed over to Ayushman Bajracharya who is a Solution Architect spoke about ‘Sharing and Working Collaboratively in a team for development with Azure Repos’ and ’Effective Agile Project Management with Azure Boards’. The event was interactive, and the program was proceeded forward with the side discussions simultaneously.

After having short refreshment break, we were back to continue our sessions.

Last but not the least, the next session was by Chandan Bhagat Gupta, Engineering Manager delivered on ‘Building & Deploying an Applications with Azure Pipelines and testing applications using Azure Test Plans’.

The event concluded at 5 pm by delivering the thanking speech from the organizing team for the event’s success for all the valued speakers, volunteers (who worked at the backstage tirelessly), participants and all the stakeholders without whom the accomplishment of the event wouldn’t have been possible, handing the token of love to all the Speakers and distributing t-shirts and stickers to the participants.

Special mention to Anisha Pindoria, Preethi George at Azure DevOps Community Launch, Community for Azure DevOps, Annie Mathew, Soyoung Lee, Olivia Ha from Southeast Asia MVP & RD Community for the support in rolling out this event at the local level.

All other event pictures have been posted at:

Album 1:

Album 2:

Thanks for reading! Please do drop your queries or feedback in the comment section below if any!

Public Cloud Consultant | Microsoft MVP | Solutions Specialist (Azure) | Azure Certified | Microsoft Certified Trainer A decade more experience working across various Microsoft products, programs, projects & technologies. Experience leading CoE (Centers of Excellence) for Azure, Microsoft 365, Dynamics 365 & Power Platform among others. Enabler in customer's hybrid cloud, cloud assessment, migration and modernization journey.

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